Thursday, January 29, 2004

First blog post... evar!

Well, I saw this blog and thought it was time I got off my arse and started blogging myself. I've been reading blogs by everyone and anyone recently (like the last twelve months), inlcuding words of wisdom from dudes like Tim Bray, who manages to be incredibly smart (he was responsible for a large part of the XML 1.0 Spec), incredibly geeky (he was responsible for a large part of the XML 1.0 Spec), and have more than one dimension while he's at it.

I'm hoping to use this as a vent for all the angst that a frustrated 20-something can muster. But no doubt that there will be times when it falls quiet and dormant. I'll fill those gaps with my many inane stories of rallying my Datsun 180B, driving my other Datsun 180B, or other rallying folklore.

And along the way, I'll provide links to whatever it is that I found amusing/aggravating/annoying/apathetic today.

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