Thursday, September 15, 2005

Stimpy, you Eeejiot...

Yes, welcome to our irregular series of tales of moronity, and idiotic adventures. In which our heroes take the everyday tasks, and using their powers of stupidity, manage to balls them up completely.

Things like taking an unladen car trailer from a residence in Weston Creek, to a house in Belconnen. A simple task. How could I balls it up, in a new and invenive way, I hear you ask?

Well, I can do it before I even get out the driveway. As I pulled out of the driveway, with the TrendTrailers car trailer attached, I heard a peculiar noise. And the ute temporarily lost traction. I didn't think much of it, until I'd gotten further down the road, and the same thing happened again?

Now, I'm sure that I had wound up the jockey wheel, and moved it into the "transit" position, but I don't remember it locking in. But when I stopped the ute and looked, it was locked in the "non-transit" position. Meaning that the wheel was out, ready to take the weight of the ute, and the trailer.

Which it must have done, even if only briefly, because it is now bent into a very peculiar shape. And the wheel no longer goes round and round.

So, looks like I'll be buying a new insert for the jockey wheel. I've already pulled it apart to see what's required, and it looks like I'll be able to get the parts from a generic auto-parts store tomorrow.

Sorry, Anna!


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