Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Watch from Dr. Weston

Some of you (well, one of the two of you who read this) will know that I have a somewhat strange compulsion for timepieces. I love watches. I love their design, their function, their feel, their movements. And everyone should have picked up on my fixation with motorsport, in particular, Rallying.
How do these relate?
Well, I got this letter in the mail yesterday. It wasn't something I was expecting, but it sure was a real nice gesture.
Glen (Dr. Weston to you) has become someone that I can now say I know, and I would like to know better. Whilst our opinions might not always meet up, I'd like to think that we both know that the other has the best interests of the sport at heart, and certainly has an opinion that is worth listening to. And he's good for the goss at the event, certainly good for a laugh, and good for the save when you want to look important or get away from some "other" conversation. ;)
So, the watch looks something like this:

My thanks to that Fair Dinkum Tops Aussie, Dr. Glen Weston.
I'll be trying this watch out at Classic Adelaide, and will report back directly.